We live in a society that is both open and closed. On the one hand, it seems like everything is shared on social media, even things that should be kept private. On the other hand, some things that should be talked about are often kept quiet, which can lead to devastating consequences.
Sometimes it is out of embarrassment or fear that we keep silent. Other times we may feel that no one would care about our issue or problem. However, in keeping things closed or quiet we run the risk of allowing issues to fester and grow instead of allowing them to heal.
In this week’s Gospel story the deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to Jesus for healing. Others advocated for his healing. He probably felt embarrassed at being brought forward. But his discomfort turned to joy once he was healed.
In your prayer this week talk to Jesus about those things which embarrass you. Think about issues or challenges that you have kept bottled up and never discussed even with yourself. It could be a bad relationship or a long-time habit you’ve wanted to break. Perhaps it was something that traumatized you when you were a child and it has yet to be resolved. Maybe you have been trying to conquer atask and you continually come up short. Whatever the problem or issue, bring it to the Lord in prayer. Open up the door to communicating about it with Jesus. Then perhaps the Lord may invite you to discuss that particular issue with others. I’m sure you’ll find you are not alone.
In my own life, I was very reluctant to discuss my mother’s mental illness when I was in high school and college. But as I’ve opened up about it as a priest, I’ve found that so many people have had similar experiences in their families. Mental illness, especially severe mental illness, is not that uncommon. Many people suffer from it and many others have experienced its consequences from their own family or friends. In sharing the stories, I have become stronger and something that was a means of embarrassment has become an opportunity for advocacy and healing.
May each of us hear the Lord’s words “be opened” in order that we may grow and flourish and truly be healed.