Youth Article

Getting to Know Me

Hi everyone, my name is Diana Devine and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the FOP Youth Minister! There are a few fun things I think you should know about me. I love reading, spending time with my family and friends, doing pottery, and playing with my beautiful cat. Movies, music, and art are all a big part of my life. I am the youngest of three girls, and the daughter of some amazing people that I’m lucky to call my parents.

 Before I moved to Shelby Township a year ago, I grew up in Canton, MI, where I attended St. Thomas a’ Becket parish with my family. While at St. Thomas a’ Becket, I was an active member of the youth group from sixth grade all the way up until I graduated from Salem High School. Upon graduation I attended University of Detroit Mercy, where I obtained my Bachelors of Social Work while also studying English. Throughout my time in college, I spent time each week going to St. Edith Parish in Livonia, MI, and volunteered my time to work with their youth group.

Growing up I was a member of a youth group for seven years where I had countless amazing opportunities come my way. In middle school I was asked to be part of the W.I.N.D. Conference planning team before eventually joining the C.Y.O. Youth Council, the group of young people who planned and executed the Rainbow conference. I had the opportunity to hold multiple leadership positions within the youth council, the most prominent being the Rainbow Coordinator.

Through my time in the Catholic community I found myself attending Catholic Heart Workcamp. I attended multiple times as a camper before joining St. Edith’s youth group as a chaperone. The following summer, I joined the summer staff of CHWC. I have attended camp almost every summer since I was a junior in highschool, so some may say I love camp. This mission experience was one I have been honored to be a part of and I cannot wait to share the experience with even more teens.

I have always thought of the Catholic youth not the future of our church, but the present. I am looking forward to creating an environment for teens to feel comfortable to talk and grow in their faith with one another. I am so excited to begin this new adventure with Disciples Unleashed and cannot wait to get started!