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Celebrating Mary’s Birthday

The Church celebrates Mary’s birthday on September 8, nine months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. The Feast began in the Eastern Church, which celebrated September 1 as the beginning of the New Year. Mary’s birth was considered the beginning of our salvation through her Son, Jesus Christ. While the feast is past, here are three ways we can continue to celebrate her birthday.

  1. PRAY THE ROSARY – In praying the rosary we contemplate the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary. You may want to do this as a family.
  2. FRESH FLOWERS – Place fresh flowers at the statue of Mary in your church, home, or an outside statue if you have one. Roses and lilies are especially symbolic of our Blessed Mother.
  3. CONTRIBUTE TO A PRO-LIFE ORGANIZATION – Contributing to a pro life organization, or one that helps pregnant women, and women with newborn children, such as Giana House, or Abigail Ministries. You may also want to make a contribution to St. Isidore’s Baby Pantry, which assists families in need throughout Macomb County. Knowing that there is help available may persuade some to give birth.