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25 Ways to Celebrate the 50 Days of Easter

In the Church, Christmas lasts 14 days, Lent 40 days, and Easter a glorious 50 days. These periods beckon us to marvel in the fact there is life after death; Jesus Christ rose from the darkness of death to become the light of the world. We, too, are called to emerge from our tombs of sin and radiate the love of Christ for others to see.

The Great Commission we hear at the very end of Saint Matthew’s account was not merely meant for the disciples. Over two thousand years ago, when Jesus appeared to his disciples on the mountain with instructions, those directions were said for you and me today-and all the generations in-between. Our acts of evangelizing need not be grandiose or visible for all to see. They can be random acts of kindness, simple gestures of spreading happiness, or inviting someone to journey in faith with you.

This week, I share 25 Ways to Celebrate the 50 Days of Easter. They may not appear to herald the call of the Great Commission, but I promise you they fit directly into Christ’s plan. These seemingly simple acts will be noticed by your family, friends, and neighbors, and cause them to pause and reflect on the light of Christ you are radiating. Perhaps they may simply inspire those close to you to grow closer to God.

  • Put a bouquet of flowers in your home
  • Read the story of the resurrection from the Gospel according to Matthew
  • Come to Mass dressed in white to remember your baptismal promises
  • Call your godparents or godchildren to say “hello”
  • Read our baptismal promises and share them with your children (available to download below)
  • Tune your radio to 102.7 or 103.5 and listen to Christian music while driving
  • Start a “gratitude journal” and document one good thing that happened each day
  • Call your parents, siblings, or a friend just to say “hello”
  • Plant one specific flower with Jesus in mind; as you look at it all year, it will be a reminder of his love.
  • Sign up for and watch some inspirational videos
  • Read the story of the resurrection from the Gospel according to Mark
  • Attend daily Mass
  • Keep a holy water font by your front door filled with blessed water from the Easter vigil and bless yourself as you enter/leave your home
  • Attend Eucharistic Adoration
  • Learn more about Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles here
  • Send a text message to someone simply wishing them a great day
  • Read the story of the resurrection from the Gospel according to Luke
  • After reading Luke 24, go on a family walk
  • From Saul to St. Paul, read a great story of conversion here
  • Stay after Mass to witness a baby being baptized
  • Visit the graves of the faithful departed
  • Read the story of the resurrection from the Gospel according to John
  • Read the Ascension of Jesus before going outside and blowing bubbles
  • Wear red to church on Pentecost (May 28)
  • Celebrate the birthday of the Church by making a cake on Pentecost