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Zap Away the Winter Blues

If you read the kinds of articles that give advice about improving your daily living, you are probably seeing plenty of them encouraging you to do a variety of things to shake off the winter blues. Whether it’s adding colorful throw pillows to your couch, installing a lighter color of curtains on your windows, or adding twinkle lights to a shelf or mantle, all claim to be the perfect way to banish the dreariness of winter. As people of faith, however, we have a few more for you to consider:

  1. Change up the way you pray. Dust off that prayer book, or check out a Catholic app, like “Amen: Catholic Bible & Prayers.” (It’s free!) Our own private prayer is something that can change and adapt as we grow and change. Whether adding meditation, music, or contemplation, or simply changing when or where you pray, praying in another way can lead to great things!
  2. Spruce up your prayer space, or create one if you don’t already have one. Placing a comfortable chair near a table to hold a candle and your bible is a great way to assure that you’ll pray more often. Adding something that’s seasonal, like an advent wreath, or cheery flowers is a big bonus. “Catholic Home Altar Ideas,” a private group (that you can join) on Facebook has some elaborate ideas.
  3. Go out in nature. Finding God and being filled with gratitude for all of creation can happen in winter too! Bundle up, and trek out to see the stars on a clear night, or to walk through one of the area parks. While there, breathe in the crisp air, and thank God for the blessing of living in a “winter wonderland.”

Whatever you choose to do, may your days be filled with moments of light, peace, and blessed assurance of God’s presence through it all!