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This is why God wants you to have nice things

I enjoy a good bourbon. Unfortunately, my favorite bourbon, Blanton’s, has become hugely popular. When I first started drinking it, a bottle cost about $50. Now, it is about five times that price if you can find it. (At least I have good taste!)

God wants us to have nice things. He wants the best for us. Why? Because God loves us. Too often, we deny ourselves under the guise of saying, “I’m sacrificing for later.” We don’t use the good china or crystal. We don’t drive the classic car that is sitting in our garage. We don’t take thevacation. We say, “I’ll do that when I’m retired.” Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. 

Not that we should over-extend ourselves or blow through our retirement savings. However, indulging ourselves every once and awhile is important. 

Go through your collectibles and things you’re saving “for the right moment” and use them, enjoy them, share them with others. 

I actually have one bottle of Blanton’s left which I savor on occasion (and share with those who visit). But I’ve learned to adjust my tastes as well. However, if people ask what I’d prefer and if it’s available (and I don’t mind spending a bit of my money), I’ll indulge. But sometimes, the Lord does provide choice bourbon.