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This is what investing in the church really means

As a Catholic Church, we are charged with disciple making. We do this through worship, service and education. When you “invest” your treasure at the Church, you are essentially saying they realize the world needs more people who look and act like Jesus Christ, and you want to help make this happen.

Worship—-Worship is the most front-facing part of Church. Every weekend (and nearly every day) is filled with opportunity to praise our Lord, and receive the Eucharist. Our priests lead us through unique worship and then send us out into the world. The Latin root of the word Mass is loosely translated to a dismissal or a sending. We are transformed through the Mass, and then we are sent out to transform the world.

Service—Service is the most relatable part of our faith. We serve others, as Jesus asked us to do. Our St. Vincent de Paul conferences help feed/cloth people and assist with their bills. We are constantly raising money and/or awareness for great causes and people in need. Through our partnership with Kids Coalition Against Hunger, we pack thousands of meals on an annual basis. Twice a month, Forgotten Harvest distributions fill hundreds of cars with sustainable food. Our food pantries and baby pantries help those with food scarcity issues. Service is the heart of our Church, we are to be His hands and feet.

Education—We have a formal high school, Austin Catholic in our Family of Parishes. We also have Discipleship Formation classes at each parish, where hundreds of kids and their families are taught how to walk more intentionally with the Lord. Additionally, we have expert led educational opportunities and peer driven discussions where hundreds of people work to navigate our teachings with the realities that we face. The more we learn and grow in our faith, the more we are able to apply these teachings to our worldview.

Our Church is what it is because of you. We thank you for your investment in the mission. Now let’s go forth worshipping with one another, serving beside one another and learning together. This is how we become disciples of Christ.