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Thanksgiving A to Z

Having an attitude of gratitude is not only a way of thinking, but rather a way of living. Arguably, it is the best and only way to live. Yet, I meet more and more people that are focused on all that is wrong in their life and in the world, instead of focusing on all the good. Maybe, you know one of those people or God forbid, are one of those people. If so, this article is for you.

The first step toward adopting an attitude of gratitude is realizing all of the good in your life. One simple exercise that I use is what I call Thanksgiving A-Z. I write out each letter of the alphabet and then write out a corresponding word on something I am grateful for. For example, A-Apples. Once I list my item, I then offer a prayer for the item on the list. In my example, I would think about the beautiful complexity of an apple, the sweet natural flavor, the uniqueness of the varieties, the seeds in the middle that bring life to the next one, etc. I would thank God for this item and then move to the letter B. At the end of the exercise, you’ve offered some beautiful, intentional time in gratitude—the first step in adopting this way of living.

Thanksgiving is not too far away, maybe you can start prepping your heart with true gratitude by beginning this exercise now and sharing with those you love on Thanksgiving. Additionally, this could be an awesome Thanksgiving activity at a family gathering, give it a try and let me know how it turns out.

I am going to close with sharing my answer for the letter Y. I am thankful for all of YOU the people of our Disciples Unleashed Family of Parishes. It is an honor and joy to serve you and work beside so many incredible people. I pray that your Thanksgiving is filled with laughter and love, but more importantly that your life is filled with gratitude for all the Lord offers us. Happy (early) Thanksgiving!