
Message from Father Talbot

Right before Easter, I received a surprise call from the archbishop’s secretary letting me know that the archbishop wanted to meet with me.  When we met the week after Easter, Archbishop Vigneron asked me to take over for Monsignor Dan Trapp (God rest his Soul) as the moderator of the lower eastside family of parishes.  This family consists of SS Augustine and Monica, St Elizabeth, St. Charles, Nativity and Sacred Heart Detroit.  After much prayer and soul searching, I have agreed to this new assignment which will begin on July 1st.

While I’m excited about this new adventure that God is calling me to, I am saddened having to say good bye to all of you.  I have grown to love you all dearly and will miss you all greatly.  Yet I know that we will always be connected in the love of Jesus.  Our Disciples Unleashed family of parishes will always have a special place in my heart.  Please continue to pray for me as I make this transition over the next three months.  Change is never easy.  However, it is often necessary for our growth.  I pray we will all grow in God’s Grace through this move of the Holy Spirit.

Peace and Love in the Risen Christ,

Fr. Chris