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Meditating on the Images of Advent

Advent is a time of wonder and prayerful, patient anticipation of the coming of the Lord, both at his second coming at the end of time and his first coming at Christmas. The more fully we celebrate Advent, the more joyful Christmas will be. Rather than jumping too quickly into Christmas, let’s take time to pray over the beautiful images of Advent. In addition to the image of Mary awaiting the birth of the Messiah, and John the Baptist calling us to repent, Isaiah gives us the following images:
Swords being beaten into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks.
The wolf being the guest of the lamb
The leopard lying down with the kid
The calf and young lion browsing together
The cow and the bear being neighbors
The baby playing by the cobra’s den
No harm nor ruin on the holy mountain
Justice and peace flourishing forever

Let’s patiently await the Christmas Season, which will surely begin on Christmas Eve.