Do you ever wish for a “do-over?” In golf, it’s called a “mulligan.” In the 1993 movie “Groundhog Day” starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, Phil, a disillusioned weatherman, experiences an endless loop of déjà vu where he relives February 2ndover and over again. At first, he attempts to do wild and crazy things as a way to break the monotony, but it is only when he begins living his life for others that he realizes the true meaning of existence.
What events or experiences in your life would you like an opportunity for a “do-over?” Maybe it was a failed relationship. Perhaps it was a poor business decision.Maybe there were words exchanged with someone that you now regret. But lifedoesn’t give us “do-overs” or “mulligans.” Instead life gives us learning experiences.
Too often people live in the past, prefacing their reminiscences with “I should have…I could have…I would have….” But living a life of “coulda, shoulda, woulda” doesnothing to change our current state of existence. Instead, when looking back atthose mistakes or regrets, ask yourself, “what did I learn from that experience?”
God never told us life was going to be perfect. Perfection only comes in the hereafter. We strive to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect but we often fallshort. Instead of dwelling on our short-comings and mistakes, view them asopportunities for learning and improvement.
Phil the weatherman learned that life is to be lived and one should grab the bull by the horns so to speak. But in so doing, we are to live not for ourselves but for others.When we take the opportunity to learn and grow from our experiences, they ceaseto be regrets and frustrations, but turn into simple bumps on the road of life.
This week, ask the Lord to help you to stop reflecting on your “couldas, shouldas, and wouldas” and instead be thankful for where you are now and how much you have accomplished through all of the learning experiences you’ve had.