Connecting Point

Connecting Point: July 30, 2023

It seems like forever ago, but I can recall my initial quest for “treasure.” I was no Indiana Jones, but I thought I had a good treasure map that was focused on how much money I could make and how fast I could get to New York. Then in 2012 it started to change. I joined the RCIA process and received the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil in 2013. Shortly thereafter, I started taking classes at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and knew that my prior search for “treasure” had been leading me in the wrong direction. (I guess I ended up in the wrong canyon of the crescent moon.) I changed jobs and started focusing on formation at Sacred Heart. What new map did I find? Or better yet, what new understanding of the original map did I have?

“Do you understand all these things?” They answered, “Yes.” And he replied, “Then every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household both the new and the old.”

Mt 13:44-52

In the Gospel this week, Jesus teaches three parables. There are a couple themes we learn about in the parables. First, like the treasure buried in a field, something of great value is present in the kingdom Jesus proclaims, but few are aware of it. A second important theme is the urgency to respond to the Good News of the kingdom; the person sells all that he has and buys the field and the merchant sells all that he has to buy the tiny pearl.

Once we focus on the themes or teachings in the parables, we have to ask ourselves do we “understand all these things?” In the Gospel, the disciples answer “yes.” But can we answer yes? Jesus taught that there would be those in the crowds that would lack “understanding”; those that could not honestly answer “yes.”

Sometimes the obvious “X marks the spot” on a map isn’t the real treasure. Only by listening to Jesus’ teachings and then taking action to “understand” the parables, can we see the true map to the treasure awaiting us in the kingdom. May the Lord continue to guide all of us on our spiritual quests and open our hearts in prayer to “understand” the way to find the true “treasure.”