Connecting Point

Connecting Point: July 16, 2023

This Sunday’s Gospel is the familiar parable of the Sower and the Seed. The seed that falls on the path, on rocky ground, and amid the thorns is not received by the soil, and does not grow. That sown on good soil is received and produces a harvest of a hundred-, or sixty-. or thirty-fold.

Although four possible persons are envisioned, it is more realistic to understand each seed as belonging to every person. We are all different soils at different times in our lives. At one time or another every person loses the seed (the word of God) to the evil one; is enthusiastic, but nor persevering; pursues riches at the expense of the soul; and also bears abundant fruit. At times, we all do great things.

The key to being the good soil is being receptive to the word of God. Receptivity to the word of God is the willingness to allow ourselves to receive the word of God, to be influenced by that word, and even being transformed by that word. It is the willingness to be challenged and stretched by the word of God. The word of God comes to us through the words of Scripture, the words of the liturgy, the words of the sacraments, the traditions of the community, and other ways as well.

Sometimes it comes to us through people who challenge us. When we are open to God’s word, and allow ourselves to be transformed by it, our lives are like good soil that produces an abundant harvest.