Connecting Point

Connecting Point: January 7, 2024

We often think of Epiphany cosmically, with the three kings following a star, but Epiphany can also serve as an opportunity to think relationally about who guides us.

And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them,
until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.
Quite a few years ago, I had the privilege of hearing a reflection by Fr. Paul Berg on the star that led the magi to their encounter with the baby Jesus. He explained that most often we think of the star cosmically, the brightest star amongst the stars in the night sky. He encouraged us to instead think of the star relationally. Very rarely, if ever, are we guided by the cosmos. Most often we are guided by people. People lead us through and out of our darkest times and keep us steady on the right path. People lead us to Christ.

This Epiphany let’s spend a little time reflecting on who has been a guiding light in our lives. People can guide us by the advice that they offer. However, I’ve been guided more often by the example of life that people around me offer. One example has been my sister Celeste and her husband Eddie. When I was a teen they included me in many of their adventures. I observed how they treated people with compassion and concern. After they were married and had their child Amie, they opened up their home to a young man that had been kicked out of his house and was trying to put himself through high school at De La Salle. He became a part of the family, graduated and went on to college and now works for DTE with a family of his own.

When my brother Bruce divorced because of his addictions. Very often he was not around to take his children Ian and Alyza. Celeste and Eddie welcomed them on the weekends and provided them with a loving and stable place of refuge during this turbulent time in the young lives. Alyza is now married with four children of her and Ian just got engaged.

When Amie was in high school, one of her friends was kicked out of her house. Once again, Celeste and Eddie added another child to their family. They explained to Amie that if they invited Jackie to live with them she would be a part of their family whatever happens. Jackie was with them only three weeks when she found out she was pregnant. Nine months later, they welcomed little Mackenzie into the family. Over the next three years, they tried to help Jackie with addictions, parenting, etc. She became pregnant a second time. After Jayden was born, Jackie left. Holding true to their commitment when welcoming Jackie into their family. They have raised Mackenzie and Jayden as their own helping them to grow into loving and productive young ladies.

Have my sister and brother-in-law lived perfect lives? No, they have had their struggles just like the rest of us. However, their faithful love lived out for others inspires me to be a better disciple of Christ. We all have people who show us the way. Who is yours? How do they inspire you to live Christ’s love in your life?