This is a very relevant question for the last week of Advent, which will usher in the incredible feast of Christmas. This Church season calls us to find ways to make the hectic holy because we know the hectic ain’t goin’ away—even after Christmas is celebrated! So, let us give some serious thought as to how we can continue worshiping our loving God beyond church services.
We Catholics have many rituals and rich symbols that support us on our life journeys and draw us into the heart of God. The Mass is at the center of our worship, during which we receive the Eucharist, the source and summit of our Christian lives.
At the end of every Mass, the congregation is sent forth with the command to “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord” or “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” This is how we can worship fully in the world. It sounds simple, but that does not mean it is easy. Each one of us goes out into “our world” with our personality, gifts, and talents to share the Good News with others and all of creation.
How we do that is entirely up to each unique person, but I would like to suggest that awareness of God’s presence when we go out the church doors is a good practice. It takes discipline and creativity. The familiar words attributed to St. Francis of Assisi come to mind: “Preach the Gospel and, when necessary, use words.” That means we can preach the Gospel by praying for others. For instance, when at a red light, perhaps you could whisper a prayer for all the motorists around you, asking God that they have a blessed day. How about adopting the attitude of gratitude? When walking down the street, notice the trees and birds and thank God for all of creation. Keep trying to hone your awareness of God as continual worship.
Another suggestion is to give God glory by your example. A smile, kind word, or kind deed is a good way to practice God’s presence and remind others that God cares for them. Thus, with practice and creativity, you may notice that you are responding to God’s love with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Is that not worshiping fully?
The Gospel for the fourth Sunday of Advent this year begins with Mary leaving home to help her cousin, Elizabeth: “Mary set out in haste to the hill country…” Each time we leave God’s house to enter the temple of God’s world, let us imitate Mary, going “in haste” to do so.
During this Advent, let us ask Mary, who brought Jesus into the world, to give us the mindfulness to carry Jesus into “our world” in ways that we cannot even ask for or imagine.