Connecting Point

Connecting Point: August 13, 2023

In the scripture this weekend, we’re told about Elijah hearing the voice of God. We also hear about all of the places in which Elijah did not hear Him; everywhere we may have expected him to hear God’s voice. In fact, the voice of God is heard as a tiny whispering sound. How many times have we gone searching for God’s voice, let alone put ourselves in a space to hear “a tiny whispering sound?”

We are surrounded by noise—noise that is not only audible, but mind- and soul-consuming. This noise is expected, it is learned, and it is deafening, without us even realising it. Our screens and their sounds are on all the time: TVs, computers, smartphones, gaming systems, tablets; you name it…we have it (or someone we know does).

Why have we let these things become so consuming? They consume our time, moments with friends and family, relaxation, church—we can’t even ignore them for an hour to spend time with the God we came to worship and the faith we have chosen to profess. We are reminded, in most places we go, to turn off or silence our cell phones and to end phone conversations, be it at the counters where we shop or do business or the lobbies where we wait for medical assistance. Why is that phone so important? Why is this noise so important?

Many of us cannot accept silence. We hate it. We detest it. We fear it, and yet, God has told us 365 times in the bible not to be afraid. Silence can be freeing, healing, soul-searching, and life-changing. When we pray, we can get so frustrated at God’s lack of answer, which many people have told me as we discussed faith. My question to them, and to you, in kind, is: How can you hear His answer if you don’t have the space to listen? You cannot hear a conversation with friends or family if the TV is blaring or if the bar is too loud! How would you hear God through all this noise you have let into your life?

However, the best question I can pose to you is: What part of silence makes you so uncomfortable? Once you can answer this question, you will be able to open your eyes, your heart, and your mind to a new level of freedom. Maybe you will see how much time is spent on screens. You can see your friends’ faces, the joy in the eyes of your loved ones, and the beautiful creation that God has made for you. That’s right—for you. He put you here and now for a specific purpose. Enjoy His creation. Learn your purpose. Live your best life to the Glory of God.

Let’s take this challenge together. Let’s get uncomfortable. Can you turn the car radio off for two minutes this week? Can you turn off all devices five minutes before you go to bed? Can you use your morning routine as some silent prayer? Can you accept, and possibly learn to love, some silence in your life? Can you trust in the God who you profess to speak to you in a “tiny whispering wind” in ways you may never have dreamed of? Are you ready to try? You can do this. I believe in you.