3 Reasons that Church is the best investment Published on May 8, 2023 I believe investing in the Catholic Church is the best investment someone can make. I constantly challenge myself to give more and do more as a way
3 Easy Ways to Make God a Priority Throughout Your Day Published on May 1, 2023 Sometimes God can seem so abstract, so distant, and so unattainable that we dismiss the idea of seeking Him and making Him a priority. These
25 Ways to Celebrate the 50 Days of Easter Published on April 24, 2023 In the Church, Christmas lasts 14 days, Lent 40 days, and Easter a glorious 50 days. These periods beckon us to marvel in the fact there is life
3 Simple Ways to Spread Easter Joy Published on April 16, 2023 We just celebrated Easter Masses with packed churches and great joy, but how do we take the joy that we felt on Easter morning and bring into our
Easter Message from the Moderator Published on April 8, 2023 Today is your resurrection day. You are invited to rise with the Lord from the tomb that you have created by your attitudes, opinions, and self-pity.