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A Change of Seasons: 5 Fall Feast Days

Fall is here, and we’ve returned to many activities after a relaxing summer. Many groups have resumed meeting, and events are being planned. The earth, in all its beauty, brings forth a stunning display of colors, cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and shorter sunlit days—symbols of the transition from one Church year to another. At the beginning of October, the Church celebrates four significant special days (in addition to one we celebrated yesterday).

Yesterday, September 29, the Church honored the Archangels: Michael, the defender, the armor and soldier of God; Gabriel, who announced to the Virgin Mary that she was to be the Mother of our Savior; and Raphael, God’s healer, who is invoked for his healing power. They are a continuing source of protection and guidance for all of us, instilling a sense of security and direction in our lives.

On October 1, we celebrate the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. She has been bestowed with the title of Doctor of the Church, a distinction few women saints have received. Therese’s unwavering trust in God, seeing herself as a child of God, and her commitment to simplicity, the ‘little way,’ inspire us all and encouraging a sense of humility and faith in our hearts.

October 2 brings us to the Holy Guardian Angels. St. Thomas Aquinas says, “They are spiritual creatures who unceasingly glorify God, working together to serve God’s saving plans for humanity.” God has assigned them to watch over us.

On October 4, the Church remembers the well-known St. Francis of Assisi, who brought renewal to the Church through his decision to follow Jesus and is the patron saint of animals and the environment. Well-known hymns that remind us of the principles Francis lived out are found in the “Prayer of St. Francis” and “All Creatures of Our God and King.”

On October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (this month is dedicated to her), known in the past by the alternate title of “Our Lady of Victory, ” the feast day is attributed (to seeking Mary’s intercession through praying the Rosary) to the 16th-century naval victory in Europe against the Turkish invasion. This inspiring event reminds us of the power of faith and prayer by placing our trust in God through our Blessed Mother’s intercession by praying the Rosary.