As we approach the end of August and the start of school, students, parents, teachers, and administrators are preparing. All too often this time of year comes with so many emotions or tasks that can be overwhelming. For some the stress and anxiety can be debilitating. For some it’s a financial burden. For many it’s the fact it’s no longer summer. For whatever reason, we must remember that it doesn’t have to be this way. How we approach this season and the words we use makes a profound difference.
Yeah, we “have to go to school”. But why make this a negative? This year, try flipping your language to a positive. Something like “we get to go back to school” or “I have the opportunity to teach here at X school” There are kids around the world who do not have education opportunities. There are teachers making the choice to work in horrible conditions, because they believe in the kids. B
So, in preparation here are some prayers for all of us to consider these next few weeks.
- Pray for teachers to experience God’s leadership as they teach those children entrusted in their care.
- Pray for students to be able to withstand peer pressure and the protection from hate, envy, jealousy, and the trap of alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.
- Pray for the parents of children attending our schools, that they trust in the experience and knowledge of professionals who love these kids as their own.
- Pray for these family homes, that God removes any physical or psychological abuse or violence and replace it with His love.
- Pray for protection on the playgrounds and during extra-curricular activities that they remain safe and enjoy the love of the game.
- Pray for the secretaries, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, custodians, coaches, and all support staff that they too remember they are first and foremost there for the children and grant them patience from the demands of the day.
- Pray for school leaders, principals and administrators, that they stay mission centered and find balance between the political demands and the passion for learning.
- Pray for the safety and security of all school campuses that they are protected from violence and threats.
And of course, also pray for anyone not experiencing this time the same as you. Empty nesters remembering these days fondly. Those who have struggled to have children of their own or those who have lost a child. Pray for healing and happiness of heart.