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5 reasons to get involved at church

When you look around your parish, it is easy to see active people in ministry. These are the people that read the readings, distribute Communion, members of the Music Ministry, the Knights, etc.. Studies have shown that 7-10% of parishioners volunteer their time to help their church thrive. If you already are amongst these people, we thank you for helping our parish be the best that it can be. If you are not amongst those who volunteer at your parish, here are a few reasons why volunteering can have a major impact on your life.


Our current society is one that thrives on contradiction and opposition. We need people in our lives that share our values and our beliefs; people that support us, challenge us to be better versions of ourselves, and are willing to walk with us, pray with us, learn, and grow in our faith with us. Volunteering at church is an amazing way to meet new friends, to challenge your knowledge and the strength of your faith, and to give you a way to experience your faith with other people. 


If we are honest with ourselves, sometimes we can be distracted or “bored” at Mass. I have heard this from many people throughout my ministry, and especially teens. So, I am going to discuss this reality instead of pretending it doesn’t happen. Volunteering as a liturgical minister (someone who participates in a ministry that ministers during Mass, i.e. Altar Servers, Lectors, etc…) gives you an extra level of purpose within the Mass. It brings a new sense of active participation, eager listening, and joy that cannot be described unless you experience it yourself. This can help with the “boredom” because you have something extra to do instead of an hour worth of Catholic calisthenics (sit, stand, kneel).

Sense of ownership

When you volunteer your time and energy into your parish community, you are giving that place your personal touch. You are helping it thrive. You are helping it flourish. You are helping it grow. Without your time, your talent, or your treasure, your church could cease to exist. When your church is important to you, it becomes a part of your life, a part of your journey. You want to share your love of it with others. You are excited to be there and are excited to invite other people into your Church “home.”

Filling a void

We are created to be in communion with others, to be with others. We are not created to be alone. Sometimes there can be something missing in our lives that we can’t seem to fill that space. Oftentimes, volunteering can fulfill you in ways that money and material things cannot.


Most of the volunteer opportunities can give you something to do in your down time, but can also give you a goal for making a commitment. Many of the ministries in your parish do not require a large commitment of time. The Knights can use you as much, or as little as you want. Liturgical ministries use you for the hour you are already attending Mass. Some ministries need a little more commitment.

I would like to challenge you to pray on what God is calling you to do. Don’t think about it, pray about it. Do you have a passion for music? Do you have a calling to distribute Communion, to be able to hand Jesus to the community? Do you have a talent for public speaking? Decorating?

Do you feel you could comfort families who are grieving? Assist the priest at Mass? There are countless ways that you can participate in your parish, or in our Disciples Unleashed family of parishes. Pray on it. This could bring joy to your life, new friends, stronger faith, purpose. Your church needs you and you need your Church. Help it thrive.