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4 Ways to bring God into your world

We just spent the past few weeks celebrating the birth of our Savior, but the question is, how do we maintain this level of celebration throughout the year? How do we share the faith we profess with people that may not know or believe in Him? How do we become sharers of the Good News in a society that doesn’t want it? Here are four ways to help you share your faith in Christ in the workplace, the grocery store, or anywhere that you may encounter non believers, or those who have fallen away from the faith.

1. Transparency

Many people express a faith in Christ, but do not follow through with their actions. No one is perfect, let’s realize that first and foremost. We can, however, follow the teachings of Christ. Help and support people in the ways you can. For some of us it’s financially, some of us it’s giving of our time and talent, for others, it may be praying with and for that person. If someone seems like they are struggling, ask if there is anything you can do to help. That small gesture may bring more joy than you even realize.

2. Love

We are called to love everyone as God loves us. That’s challenging, and may seem unattainable, but remember, God loves you for who you are and what you are capable of. He does not call us to be stagnant in our sin. He calls us out on our sins, and asks us to repent and sin no more. There is a fine line between love in a corrective way and judgment, but we are called to help others get to heaven. If you see a friend that has fallen away from Church, invite them, ask them about why they turned away, try to have a conversation or encourage them to talk with someone if you don’t feel like you can. Don’t beat them over the head about the sins that you see, rather, give them encouraging words to point them towards a better way.

3. Patience

Patience is something that we can all work on. From a sharing of your faith perspective, patience equates to being consistent, but understanding; firm, but compassionate. Our role in this world is to guide more people to Christ, so that they can start to see the work that He does in their lives.

4. Respect

This society is heavily lacking in respect for others. Everyone lives their journey, and we are not always aware of where they are, where they are going, and what has brought them to this place. Respecting them as a child of God is difficult. Loving them with their flaws can be unbearable, but God loves them the same as you.

Let us spend this year working to be more transparent in our beliefs, loving all others, being patient as best as we can, and respecting each other as children of God. He’s in each and everyone of us, sometimes He’s just harder to see.