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3 Reasons that Church is the best investment

I believe investing in the Catholic Church is the best investment someone can make.  I constantly challenge myself to give more and do more as a way of supporting the good works of the church.  We have to realize, we all invest in one thing or the other.  Even if we don’t have “extra” money to invest, we are certainly investing in something.  We each have 24 hours a day, spending time working, exercising, cooking, cleaning, reading, etc. as we see fit.  Each day we choose how we are going to invest every minute of our day.   

One of the items I try to be painstakingly aware of is using the word investment as opposed to the word gift when referring to financial support of the church.  A gift is something we offer freely out of love and, gifts are nice, but an investment on the other hand is result driven.  We invest in our kids to see them succeed.  We invest in our job to achieve goals and meet deadlines.  We invest in our spouses so they know they are cared for and supported.  With all of that said, why should we invest in the Church?   I have three good reasons below.

  1. The Church is the best way to change the world.  The Church is far from perfect, but I can’t think of a better way to make a lasting change in the world than by investing in the Church.  I’ve heard and believe the argument that the Catholic Church is the #1 most positive influencer on humankind in the history of civilization.  If we want civilization to evolve with love and kindness, we need the Church.  Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”  Investing in the Church allows us to commit to needed change.  
  2. The Church will continue.  Recently, I read a book by author Simon Sinek, titled “The Infinite Game.”  Mr. Sinek argued that companies need to have a long vision in order to be successful and not simply focus on the short-term value of a company.  His book is intended for a secular audience, but if we take that argument and apply it to church, we realize that no other organization has more of a long game than we do.  Our Church plans on being around until the 2nd coming.  With no defined time table on that event, we are constantly looking to love and serve well into the future.  Your investment of time, talent and treasure helps fuel this mission.
  3. Our checkbooks should match our priorities.  If we want to call ourselves Christians, we need to financially invest in the Church.  And honestly, doesn’t it feel good to give?  My mother drove home the mantra that whenever we give, we get more in return.  This is undoubtedly true in my life.  Giving is a HUGE step in the life of a disciple, it is saying I’m on this team and believe in its mission.  We all have bills (house payments, car payments, education, retirement, etc.) so making a conscious decision to invest in the Church does create challenges, but it also offers a glimpse of sacrificial living; something we are called to do as Christians.  Remember, our first fruits are what we are supposed to invest, not what is merely left over.  Transforming our beliefs into a financial priority helps us to live a more authentic life as a Christian, knowing each day is an investment in serving Christ’s people.  

I believe most people talk themselves out of investing in the church for a myriad of reasons.  My investment won’t matter.  I will give more at a later time.  I have too many expenses to even consider this. The Church is in good financial shape, they don’t really need my money.  Believe me when I say, I’ve heard every excuse in the book.  And I get all of them.  I used to do the same thing.  But what I see at the churches in the Disciples Unleashed Family of Parishes is EXACTLY the type of thing we want to invest in.  We educate thousands of kids and their families through Faith Formation classes.  On a weekly basis, we have thousands of people attend Mass, and other worship events which praise our God.  We extend the hands of Christ to many in need by providing food and financial assistance, as well as spiritual assistance.  The more people who choose to invest in the church, the more good we can do.  I look forward to investing alongside of you and witnessing all of the good that the Lord has in store for the people within our communities.  

If you have other good reasons to invest in the church, please reach out to me at either or  I’d love to hear from you.