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3 Easy Ways to Make God a Priority Throughout Your Day

Sometimes God can seem so abstract, so distant, and so unattainable that we dismiss the idea of seeking Him and making Him a priority. These three easy steps will help you better include God throughout your day.

1. Pray over your meals. This can be as simple as saying, “Thank you for this food” or the “Bless us, O Lord” prayer. Maybe you are thinking, “Ok, I already do that,” but do you do it over fast food? Appetizers? Snacks? When you are by yourself? When you are in a public place? This is a simple way to acknowledge God’s blessings that you have access to the basic essentials of life that not everyone else does. Be grateful and ask for His blessing over everything you eat.

2. Ask if others need prayers. Since I pray over my meals anyway, I always ask my waiter or waitress’ name and ask them if they need anything prayed for. Most of the time they are taken aback, but there is usually always something that they would like prayed for. After I started doing this, it amazed me how much easier it got. I was able to evangelize, while helping to make someone else feel noticed and important. You can do this. Give it a try.

3. Have a brief chat with God as you are getting ready for the day. Do you have things to look forward to? Are you worried about anything? Are you upset about something? God can handle anything you talk to Him about. He is for you. He is not against you. Trust in His love and His mercy and compassion and talk to Him.

These are just a few suggestions to help you begin your journey of making God more of a priority than only attending Mass once a week. He is the Creator, the one true God, the Beginning and the End. When you start to immerse yourself in a life more centered in Him, your life will change for the better. Trust in God. He’s there for you. All you need to do is ask.