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10 Back to School Tips for Parents and Grandparents

Summer is coming to an end and it is time to send the kids back to school. This year as you buy all their supplies, coordinate their after-school activities and figure out the logistics of what the year will look like, take some time to pray for your child, their educators, and environment. Here are ten ideas on things you can pray for. Keep this list handy and resolve to pray every day for the needs below.

  1. Morning Blessing: Begin the day by saying a simple blessing for your children’s safety, growth, and well-being throughout their time at school.
  2. Protection Prayer: Pray for their safety and protection while they are away from home, asking for guidance and watchful care over them.
  3. Guidance and Wisdom: Pray for wisdom, discernment, and understanding for your children in their studies, interactions, and decision-making.
  4. Friendships and Relationships: Ask for positive friendships and relationships to develop for your children, where they can learn, support, and grow together.
  5. Confidence and Resilience: Pray for your children to develop self-confidence, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges they might face.
  6. Teachers and Staff: Offer gratitude and prayers for their teachers, administrators, and staff members, asking for patience, understanding, and skill in guiding your children’s education.
  7. Positive Learning Environment: Pray for a positive and conducive learning environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning.
  8. Kindness and Empathy: Request that your children exhibit kindness and empathy toward their peers, teachers, and everyone they encounter.
  9. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the opportunity for education and growth and pray for the ability to appreciate each moment of learning.
  10. Future Aspirations: Lift up prayers for your children’s future aspirations, that they may discover their passions and purpose in life.